Sunday, August 7, 2011

So it has been a great week so far and it still isn't over. This Sunday the Perez Martinez family is getting baptized and I know it is going to be great. They have come so far. They have had to stop smoking, dricking, and have had to change so many things in their lives. I know they are going to be strong in the church. Yesterday we went with another family, the Ortiz family, to watch them get married. It was amazing. They will be getting baptized on the 12 of August. They were running a little lot on cash, so I lent them 500 pesos(that is why I withdrawaled from my card Dad). They are the coolest people and they are learning so fast. The Dad told us the other day that on we are going to see him talking in a large church conference. I don't doubt it. He is such a smart guy.

anyway... Life is good and I am learning so much. I am so sorry that I don't have much time to write you all, but you all know that I love you so much, and I miss you all. Keep smiling for me and learn to love everybody. I love you. The Church of Christ is on the earth once again!!!!!!

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